Hotkeys: How to setup hotkeys in Hammer?
What Are Hotkeys?
Hotkeys are shortcuts that execute a pre-selected action or series of actions at the press of a single or combination buttons. It may take a few mouse clicks or additional inputs to perform the action, a hot key can be easily configured to complete the action with a single or combination of buttons.
In order to facilitate fast trading for experienced traders, HAMMER provides a very flexible system of trading hotkeys.
How do you set up Hotkeys?
Hotkeys can be set up in Hammer via Dashboard >> Settings >> Trading >> Hotkeys / Saved Orders
Note: Don’t mistake hot keys for shortcuts. Hot keys execute actions on the HAMMER platform like ‘Aggressive Market Buy’ whereas shortcuts perform functions like changing the time frame on a chart(CTRL+ Numbers).
The Shortcut Hotkey Key can be changed in the Settings - Keyboard Shortcuts
Go to Settings>>Application>>Keyboard Shortcuts>> Find Combo and Clear
Header Section:
Enabled - if you want to turn off the hotkey without deleting it completely, un-check “Enabled”
Saved Order - Turn this on to make this hotkey a Saved Order
Window Type - Determines on which HMR windows the hotkey is active. Some actions may only be appropriate for specific window types.
Button text and Color - If the button text and color are set, the button will appear on trading windows and the hotkey could be executed by clicking on it
Action Section:
Order - Create (or drop on chart/DOM, or fill in the trade ticket, or send to broker) an order
Cancel - Cancel an order or several orders
Change Order - Modify an order's price
Flatten - Flatten - that is, cancel open orders and place market buy/sell orders to zero out existing positions for one or more symbols
TradeQty - Change the trade window's default order quantity
Account - Switch the trade window's current trading account
Delay - Delay before executing the next Action
ChartParameter - Only available for charts - change some chart parameters
Hotkey - Hotkey to trigger another hotkey
Hotkeys Examples
- Close a position, either long or short
Hotkey for closing out entire position - differentiates between long and short position
Settings>>Hotkeys / Saved Orders>> Add new
Action - Pos>0?'Sell':Pos<0?'Buy':'None'
LimitPrice - Pos>0?Bid-0.01:Pos<0?Ask+0.01:0
- Cancel all orders
One of the many useful hotkeys is "Cancel All". This can prevent bad filling and “avoid catching a falling knife”
For example, you may have 10 different orders with a purchase limit of 10 shares.
Settings>>Hotkeys / Saved orders>> Add new>> click Remove first to clear default action >> choose Action (down left corner) >> Cancel
Symbol: Symbol cancel only current symbol orders which is selected in Level 2 window(Can use "CXL ALL" button in Level 2)
AllSymbols cancel all orders in Account View >> Transaction tab
- Quantity keys
Populate quantity in your trading ticket with numpad keys
Settings>>Hotkeys / Saved Orders>> Add new>> click Remove first to clear default action >> choose Action (down left corner) >> TradeQty and set up shares size
- Buy/Sell "X" Shares at Market
This hot key will execute a market-buy / sell of shares “X” on the ask price.
Market orders can result in very expensive fills in volatile and not liquid stocks
Settings>>Hotkeys / Saved Orders>> Add new
Send - CancelThenSend this means it will cancel all available orders in this symbol and will execute BUY or SELL market order.
OrderType - Market hit on Market price
Action - Buy or Sell
Quantity - Default means it will hit shares size in Level 2 window which
Routing - SMART here you can choose which venue/route/exchange will be used for aggressive orders.
STOP Market/Limit type of orders
- Stop Market order type - will be executed no matter the slippage/spread
- Stop Limit Price - you will be able to place a Limit price and stop limit price