How to set Numeric format?
In the settings of Application / General >> Date & Numeric Formats
“Culture” - Windows allows you to set up your cultural preference. This controls things like decimal separators.(decimal comma vs. decimal point)
“Prices” - The format for price display (such as Last or Bid or Ask). Here and below, the numeric format specifiers are as described here. In short, 0 stands for a digit that is always there, # stands for a digit that can possibly be there. So if the format is ###.0#, 12.25 would show as is, but 14 would show up as 14.0.
“Short Time” - The format for displaying time as a short text. For example: 2:17 pm
“Long Time” - The format for displaying time more precisely, but usually as a longer text. For example: 14:17:25