Hotkey examples
Quantity hotkey
This will allow the hotkey to change the default trading quantity on the window in which it is executed. On Charts/DOM that quantity is in the Trading tab while on LevelI window and on Trading Ticket it is in the ticket itself.
TradeQty – if set to 200,300, 400 shares will be adjusted to the size exactly amount of shares shown in Level 2.
Change / Modify order price with a hotkey
Important - the hotkeys work on L2, chart, and account view.
if you have only 1 order for the ticker, if you have selected L2 it will move only that order. If you have 1 order at the bid and 1 order at the ask - you HOVER OVER the column with your mouse (move the mouse over the left side bid) and it will move the order at the bid. The same for the order at the ask - hover over.
On L2: if you have more orders on the bid ask - you HOVER OVER, click on the order you want to move and it will move only this order.
In the account view tab transaction, you must click on the order you want to move first.
On the chart - if you have only 1 order, click anywhere on the chart and it will move.
If you have more than one order on the chart - HOVER OVER with the mouse on the order you would like to move.
Cancel all orders
This hotkey will allow you to cancel all active orders. You can use it in Account View >> Transactions tab.
With the Open and Unsent options you can select to cancel All, Buys, Sells, or UnderMouse. The UnderMouse option will only cancel the order over which the mouse is currently hovering.
You can also optionally specify the Account on which the orders should be canceled and the Symbol (or symbol list) for which the orders should be canceled. If not specified, the Account and the Symbol are taken from the window on which the hotkey is executed.
Buy / Sell Limit order Bid/Ask or TicketLimitPrice(trade ticket price)
Can set a fixed size from Quantity
Can set fixed route from Routing